Top 20 in 2023
For the last five years, Rogers Jones & Co has grown year on year and 2023 was yet another record year for the business. Here are the Top 20 lots in 2023
And at a blink of an eye the auction year comes to an end. As
with every Christmas, we close all our doors in Cardiff, Colwyn Bay, Carmarthen and mid-Wales for an extended period.
All our venues will be open again on Monday, January 8th. However, emails are being picked up during the festive period by our valuation team.
We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a peaceful, successful, healthy and happy 2022.
For the last five years, Rogers Jones & Co has grown year on year and 2023 was yet another record year for the business. We would like to thank you all for your continued support.
Top Of the Lots Christmas Special
A run down of the highest selling lots in 2023

The Welsh Sale | November 18th
Sir Kyffin Williams RA