Aside from Kyffin, the November Welsh Sale has a very strong picture section with many of the nation’s favourites represented including several fine works from Donald McIntyre, Kevin Sinnott, John Elwyn and Shani Rhys James.
Meddwl am Werthu? Rydym yn gwerthuso ac yn prisio eitemau ar-lein heb rwymedigaeth. Ble bynnag y byddwch chi! Gwerthusiadau Digidol
Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig
6 Tachwedd 2021 9:30 YB
The Welsh Sale is the market leading auction in the UK for Welsh art, Welsh porcelain & antiques relating to Wales.
Mae'r arwerthiant hwn wedi dod i ben. Chwiliwch yma i weld yr eitemau a'u canlyniadau.
Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig
Cymerwch gip ar ein catalog digidol rhyngweithiol ar-lein
The third and final Welsh Sale is upon us. Again, we are excited by the variety and quality we have to offer.
In this November Welsh Sale we have another important selection of oil paintings, by Sir Kyffin Williams including three monumental oil paintings and a lovely selection of works on paper.
We are also immensely pleased with the variety of Welsh ceramics in the sale. The pottery and porcelain to be offered consists of two prestigious and well-known collections, that have coincidentally joined up together in the same auction. The two collections acting as the perfect storm for a large and intriguing bumper section of Welsh ceramics.
The catalogue for the November 6th Welsh Sale will follow soon!