We were the valuers of the artist's estate in 2006 and have since then sold more 'Kyffins' by auction than any other auction house. In doing so we have recorded the highest hammer prices for his work, most recently in 2021 when 'Ynys Mon Landscape' sold for a hammer price of £62,000 which beat our own record of £60,000 for 'Fox Shoot'. In 2024, we sold 'Bugail a Cwm Defaid' for £61,000. Consequently, we hold the three top hammer prices in the auction world for Sir Kyffin Williams. We also hold the highest auction price for a work on paper by Kyffin and a print. There is nowhere better to sell works by Sir Kyffin Williams.
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Sir Kyffin WIlliams RA
Our company has had a close association with the artist Sir Kyffin Williams RA and his paintings, since our inception in 1992.
In 2024, we offered to market 117 works by Sir Kyffin Williams and all but two sold. There really is nowhere better to sell works by Sir Kyffin Williams.