Sir Kyffin Returns to Gregynog
The Welsh Sale at Gregynog on July 27th has a superb section of works on paper, oil paintings and prints by Sir Kyffin Williams. The Music Room at Gregynog acting acts as a perfect backdrop to the section as Kyffin had great affection for the old hall.
In Sir Kyffin's autobiography 'Across the straits':
''…a half timbered house deep in a wooded valley near Newtown. Here the Misses Davies, sisters of Lord Davies, kept their splendid collection of paintings. As the cars crept up the long drive, the guns who were also members of the Arts Committee of the National Museum of Wales laid bets on the chance of the pictures ever going to Cardiff
When I joined the shoot, only Miss Margaret Davies was alive, and she met us in the hall, a gentle soft-voiced woman diffident yet welcoming. We wandered through the house past Gauguins, best of Sickert, John and Gilman could be seen beside the work of contemporary artists. I so much enjoyed those visits that one day of the week I always prayed for rain...''
Below is but a cross section of some of the works by Sir Kyffin that will be auctioned at Gregynog Hall.

View all the lots by Sir Kyffin Williams RA in July's Welsh Sale online now